Artist: Gunter Rambow German
Title: Nouveau Salon des cent, Hommage a Toulouse-Lautrec.
Plate: HL. 75
Original poster
from "Nouveau Salon des Cent" portfolio. Limited printing of only 380.
Printed in Paris, 2001.
unbacked, shipped rolled via Fedex.
Certificate of Authenticity.
Sheet Size: 29 in x 38 1/2 in 68 x 98cm
Price: $325.00
The Portfolio
The "Nouveau Salon des Cent" portfolio consists of a hundred posters created by one hundred of the best graphic designers of our time, from 24 different countries including China, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, Zimbabwe, the United-States and most of the European countries, as a tribute to Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, for the Centenary of his death, 1901-2001. Initiated by the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum Partners' Club. In cooperation with the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum of Albi. The printing was limited to only 380. The posters have been exhibited in major museums and galleries around the world.
The Designer - Gunter Rambow
German graphic designer, born in Neustrelitz, 2nd March 1938. Studied glass painting at the Staatliche Glasfachschule Hadama and graphics under Hans Hillmann at the Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste Kassel.
Founder-Partner with Gerhard Lienemeyer of the Rambow + Lienemeyer graphic design studio in Kassel, in Stuttgart and in Frankfurt. Partner with Lienemeyer and Michael van de Sand in Rambow-/Lienemeyer/van de Sand studio in Frankfurt. Since 1988 Partner in Rambow van de Sand studio in Frankfurt. Also founder with Gerhard Lienemeyer of Kohlkunst Verlag publishing company, Frankfurt.
Professor of graphic design, Gesamthochschule, Kassel. Professor of visual communications, Kassel university. Professor of visual communications, Staatliche Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste Karlsruhe.
Deputy vice-rector Staatliche Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste Karlsruhe. Honorary professor at the Wuxi university, China and honorary chancellor at the research institute of international poster art, Wuxi university, China. Once a year the 'Rambow Design Preis' is awarded in Shanghai for the subject Graphic-Design in China.
Rector Staatliche Hochschule filr Bildende Kunste Karlsruhe.